STM32 Blue Pill Drivers
Drivers that could be used to interface and interact with STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller
This file contains the bit math manipulation macro-functions. More...
Macros | |
#define | SET_BIT(REG, BITNUM) (REG) |= (1 << (BITNUM)) |
Set a certain bit's value. More... | |
#define | CLEAR_BIT(REG, BITNUM) (REG) &= ~(1 << (BITNUM)) |
Clear a certain bit's value to. More... | |
#define | TOGGLE_BIT(REG, BITNUM) (REG) ^= (1 << (BITNUM)) |
Toggle a bit to 0 if it's 1 , 1 otherwise. More... | |
#define | GET_BIT(REG, BITNUM) (((REG) >> (BITNUM)) & 1) |
Return the value of the bit whether it's 1 or 0 More... | |
This file contains the bit math manipulation macro-functions.