STM32 Blue Pill Drivers
Drivers that could be used to interface and interact with STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller
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GPIO_interface.h File Reference

This file is the interface file for the GPIO module. More...

+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


enum  t_GPIO_Ports {
  GPIO_Ports_A = 0 , GPIO_Ports_B , GPIO_Ports_C , GPIO_Ports_D ,
  GPIO_Ports_E , GPIO_Ports_F , GPIO_Ports_G
 GPIO Ports. More...
enum  t_GPIO_Pins {
  GPIO_Pins_0 = 0 , GPIO_Pins_1 , GPIO_Pins_2 , GPIO_Pins_3 ,
  GPIO_Pins_4 , GPIO_Pins_5 , GPIO_Pins_6 , GPIO_Pins_7 ,
  GPIO_Pins_8 , GPIO_Pins_9 , GPIO_Pins_10 , GPIO_Pins_11 ,
  GPIO_Pins_12 , GPIO_Pins_13 , GPIO_Pins_14 , GPIO_Pins_15
 GPIO Pins. More...
enum  t_GPIO_Direction { GPIO_Direction_Input = 0 , GPIO_Direction_Output_10MHz , GPIO_Direction_Output_2MHz , GPIO_Direction_Output_50MHz }
 GPIO Direction. More...
enum  t_GPIO_Output_Type { GPIO_Output_Type_Push_Pull = 0 , GPIO_Output_Type_Open_Drain , GPIO_Output_Type_Alternate_Push_Pull , GPIO_Output_Type_Alternate_Open_Drain }
 GPIO Output Type. More...
enum  t_GPIO_Input_Type { GPIO_Input_Type_Analog = 0 , GPIO_Input_Type_Floating , GPIO_Input_Type_Pull_Down , GPIO_Input_Type_Pull_Up }
 GPIO Input Type. More...
enum  t_GPIO_Value { GPIO_Value_Low = 0 , GPIO_Value_High }
 GPIO Pin Value. More...


void GPIO_vSetPinDirection (t_GPIO_Ports tPort, t_GPIO_Pins tPin, t_GPIO_Direction tDirection)
 This function is used to set the direction of a GPIO pin. More...
void GPIO_vSetPinInputType (t_GPIO_Ports tPort, t_GPIO_Pins tPin, t_GPIO_Input_Type tInputType)
 This function is used to set the input type of a GPIO pin. More...
void GPIO_vSetPinOutputType (t_GPIO_Ports tPort, t_GPIO_Pins tPin, t_GPIO_Output_Type tOutputType)
 This function is used to set the output type of a GPIO pin. More...
void GPIO_vSetPinValue (t_GPIO_Ports tPort, t_GPIO_Pins tPin, t_GPIO_Value tValue)
 This function is used to set the value of a GPIO pin. More...
t_GPIO_Value GPIO_tGetPinValue (t_GPIO_Ports tPort, t_GPIO_Pins tPin)
 This function is used to get the value of a GPIO pin. More...

Detailed Description

This file is the interface file for the GPIO module.

Mohamed Alaa

This file contains the prototypes of the functions of the GPIO module.
