STM32 Blue Pill Drivers
Drivers that could be used to interface and interact with STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller
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RCC_interface.h File Reference

This file is the interface file for the RCC module. More...

+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


enum  RCC_PLLMulFactors {
  RCC_PLLMulFactors_2 = 0 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_3 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_4 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_5 ,
  RCC_PLLMulFactors_6 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_7 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_8 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_9 ,
  RCC_PLLMulFactors_10 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_11 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_12 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_13 ,
  RCC_PLLMulFactors_14 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_15 , RCC_PLLMulFactors_16
 This enum contains the multiplication factors of the PLL. More...
enum  RCC_AHBPrescaler {
  RCC_AHBPrescaler_NotDivided = 0 , RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy2 = 0b1000 , RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy4 , RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy8 ,
  RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy16 , RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy64 , RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy128 , RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy256 ,
 This enum contains the prescaler factors of the AHB bus. More...
enum  RCC_APBPrescaler {
  RCC_APBPrescaler_NotDivided = 0 , RCC_APBPrescaler_DividedBy2 = 0b100 , RCC_APBPrescaler_DividedBy4 , RCC_APBPrescaler_DividedBy8 ,
 This enum contains the prescaler factors of the APB (1 & 2) bus. More...
enum  RCC_ADCPrescaler { RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy2 = 0 , RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy4 , RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy6 , RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy8 }
 This enum contains the prescaler factors of the ADC bus. More...
enum  RCC_SystemClock { RCC_SystemClock_HSI = 0 , RCC_SystemClock_HSE , RCC_SystemClock_PLL }
 This enum contains the system clock sources. More...
enum  RCC_PLLSource { RCC_PLLSource_HSI_DividedBy2 = 0 , RCC_PLLSource_HSE }
 This enum contains the PLL clock sources. More...
enum  RCC_MCOSources {
  RCC_MCOSources_NoClock = 0 , RCC_MCOSources_SystemClock = 0b100 , RCC_MCOSources_HSI , RCC_MCOSources_HSE ,
 This enum contains the MCO sources. More...
enum  RCC_USBPrescaler { RCC_USBPrescaler_1_5 = 0 , RCC_USBPrescaler_1 }
 This enum contains the USB prescaler factors. More...
enum  t_RCC_APB2Peripherals {
  RCC_APB2Peripherals_AFIO = 0 , RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTA = 2 , RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTB , RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTC ,
  RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTD , RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTE , RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTF , RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTG ,
  RCC_APB2Peripherals_ADC1 , RCC_APB2Peripherals_ADC2 , RCC_APB2Peripherals_TIM1 , RCC_APB2Peripherals_SPI1 ,
  RCC_APB2Peripherals_USART1 = 14 , RCC_APB2Peripherals_ADC3
 This enum contains the APB2 peripherals that are connected to the APB2 bus. More...
enum  t_RCC_APB1Peripherals {
  RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM2 = 0 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM3 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM4 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM5 ,
  RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM6 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM7 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_WWDG = 11 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_SPI2 = 14 ,
  RCC_APB1Peripherals_SPI3 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_USART2 = 17 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_USART3 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_UART4 ,
  RCC_APB1Peripherals_UART5 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_I2C1 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_I2C2 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_USB ,
  RCC_APB1Peripherals_CAN = 25 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_BKP = 27 , RCC_APB1Peripherals_PWR , RCC_APB1Peripherals_DAC
 This enum contains the APB1 peripherals that are connected to the APB1 bus. More...
enum  t_RCC_AHBPeripherals { RCC_AHBPeripherals_DMA1 = 0 , RCC_AHBPeripherals_DMA2 , RCC_AHBPeripherals_CRC = 5 }
 This enum contains the AHB peripherals that are connected to the AHB bus. More...


void RCC_vInit (void)
 This function initializes the RCC peripheral. More...
void RCC_vEnablePeripheralABP2 (t_RCC_APB2Peripherals enuPeripheral)
 This function enables the clock of a peripheral connected to the APB2 bus. More...
void RCC_vDisablePeripheralABP2 (t_RCC_APB2Peripherals enuPeripheral)
 This function disables the clock of a peripheral connected to the APB2 bus. More...
void RCC_vEnablePeripheralABP1 (t_RCC_APB1Peripherals enuPeripheral)
 This function enables the clock of a peripheral connected to the APB1 bus. More...
void RCC_vDisablePeripheralABP1 (t_RCC_APB1Peripherals enuPeripheral)
 This function disables the clock of a peripheral connected to the APB1 bus. More...
void RCC_vEnablePeripheralAHB (t_RCC_AHBPeripherals enuPeripheral)
 This function enables the clock of a peripheral connected to the AHB bus. More...
void RCC_vDisablePeripheralAHB (t_RCC_AHBPeripherals enuPeripheral)
 This function disables the clock of a peripheral connected to the AHB bus. More...

Detailed Description

This file is the interface file for the RCC module.

Mohamed Alaa

This file contains the prototypes of the functions of the RCC module.
