enum | RCC_PLLMulFactors {
RCC_PLLMulFactors_2 = 0
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_3
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_4
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_5
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_7
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_8
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_9
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_11
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_12
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_13
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_15
, RCC_PLLMulFactors_16
} |
| This enum contains the multiplication factors of the PLL. More...
enum | RCC_AHBPrescaler {
RCC_AHBPrescaler_NotDivided = 0
, RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy2 = 0b1000
, RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy4
, RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy8
, RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy64
, RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy128
, RCC_AHBPrescaler_DividedBy256
} |
| This enum contains the prescaler factors of the AHB bus. More...
enum | RCC_APBPrescaler {
RCC_APBPrescaler_NotDivided = 0
, RCC_APBPrescaler_DividedBy2 = 0b100
, RCC_APBPrescaler_DividedBy4
, RCC_APBPrescaler_DividedBy8
} |
| This enum contains the prescaler factors of the APB (1 & 2) bus. More...
enum | RCC_ADCPrescaler { RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy2 = 0
, RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy4
, RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy6
, RCC_ADCPrescaler_DividedBy8
} |
| This enum contains the prescaler factors of the ADC bus. More...
enum | RCC_SystemClock { RCC_SystemClock_HSI = 0
, RCC_SystemClock_HSE
, RCC_SystemClock_PLL
} |
| This enum contains the system clock sources. More...
enum | RCC_PLLSource { RCC_PLLSource_HSI_DividedBy2 = 0
} |
| This enum contains the PLL clock sources. More...
enum | RCC_MCOSources {
RCC_MCOSources_NoClock = 0
, RCC_MCOSources_SystemClock = 0b100
, RCC_MCOSources_HSI
, RCC_MCOSources_HSE
} |
| This enum contains the MCO sources. More...
enum | RCC_USBPrescaler { RCC_USBPrescaler_1_5 = 0
, RCC_USBPrescaler_1
} |
| This enum contains the USB prescaler factors. More...
enum | t_RCC_APB2Peripherals {
RCC_APB2Peripherals_AFIO = 0
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTA = 2
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTB
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTC
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTE
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTF
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_PORTG
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_ADC2
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_TIM1
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_SPI1
RCC_APB2Peripherals_USART1 = 14
, RCC_APB2Peripherals_ADC3
} |
| This enum contains the APB2 peripherals that are connected to the APB2 bus. More...
enum | t_RCC_APB1Peripherals {
RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM2 = 0
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM3
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM4
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM5
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_TIM7
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_WWDG = 11
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_SPI2 = 14
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_USART2 = 17
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_USART3
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_UART4
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_I2C1
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_I2C2
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_USB
RCC_APB1Peripherals_CAN = 25
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_BKP = 27
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_PWR
, RCC_APB1Peripherals_DAC
} |
| This enum contains the APB1 peripherals that are connected to the APB1 bus. More...
enum | t_RCC_AHBPeripherals { RCC_AHBPeripherals_DMA1 = 0
, RCC_AHBPeripherals_DMA2
, RCC_AHBPeripherals_CRC = 5
} |
| This enum contains the AHB peripherals that are connected to the AHB bus. More...
This file is the interface file for the RCC module.
- Author
- Mohamed Alaa
- Version
- 1.0.0
This file contains the prototypes of the functions of the RCC module.
- Date
- 2023-06-18